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Helping Seniors Grow Healthy and Happy

Helping Seniors Grow Healthy and Happy

Agecare is a nonprofit organization that supports and assists seniors in need. In March 2023, Agecare visited the beneficiaries who had received kale seedlings from them in the previous month. They also gave them food packages to help them cope with poverty.

At Agecare, we believe every senior deserves to live with dignity, independence, and community interaction. That’s why we provide various services and programs to seniors in need, such as home care, assisted living, caregiver support, and gardening projects.

One of our recent initiatives is the kale gardening project, which aims to improve seniors’ nutrition and well-being in low-income areas. We distribute kale seedlings to our beneficiaries, along with instructions on how to grow and harvest them. Kale is a superfood rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. It can help lower cholesterol, prevent inflammation, and boost immunity.

In March 2023, we visited the seniors participating in the kale gardening project. We were delighted to see their progress and enthusiasm. Some had already harvested their first batch of kale and used it to make salads. Others were still nurturing their plants and waiting for them to grow bigger despite the weather dynamics.

We also gave them food packages that contained rice, beans, bread, and flour. Our generous well-wishers and partners donated these food packages, who share our vision of creating vibrant communities for seniors. We wanted to ensure our beneficiaries had enough food during this challenging economic crisis.

We are grateful for the support and feedback of our beneficiaries, who expressed their appreciation and happiness for our visit. They told us how much they enjoyed growing kale and how it improved their health and mood. They also shared their stories and challenges; we listened with empathy and respect. We hope to continue this project and reach more seniors in need. Together, we can make a difference for seniors!